CONWELL COMMUNITY: Meta Facebook and Instagram Field Trip Lifts Up Conwell Students


By A. Snowden – 62 – CCB Reporter

Photo Gallery of Shelice’s Angels Field Trip by A. Peralta-62 and R. Rowan -71 CCB Staff

Recently, a group of young women from Conwell Middle Magnet School got the privilege to go out of state to see the Meta Facebook Company in action. 

On Friday, May 5, Zaire Franklin, one of the linebackers for the Indianapolis Colts, gave them the opportunity to meet with important workers at the colorful, technology full, Meta Facebook Company, through his nonprofit organization Shelice’s Angels.

According to the Shelice’s Angels website, the aim of the nonprofit is to educate young people about the greater world around them.

The girls on this trip got on a luxury bus and drove 2 hours to New York City. Franklin talked a little about how he named the trip.

“I named you all the ‘Shelice Angels’ because my mother’s name was Shelice, “ Mr. Franklin stated. “She was very dear to me because I grew up with her, and learned a lot.”

Franklin went to Conwell Middle Magnet School before becoming a professional football player. Since graduating Conwell, he has made several visits to our school for motivational talks. One of his recent visits to his alma mater even brough NFL Films

“I learned to do more than my limits, “ Zaire explained of his time at Conwell. He added that his mother saw his potential in himself that helped lead to his successes.

In the beginning of the Meta Facebook field trip, the girls were allowed to do a Question and Answer to learn more about how the Meta Company operated.

“People make mistakes, believe me I did a lot,” Ms. Lauren, one of the Meta Facebook employees told the students during the Q and A part of the tour. “You can’t take those back, so don’t think about what you could have done, and start thinking about what you can do in the future to make it better.” 

All the workers that were in this Q and A, had no idea that they would be working at the Meta company. They all had ideas in being an athlete, or a technologist. In fact, some said that they didn’t even know this company existed!

There were nearly 30 people that went on the Shelice’s Angels trip. There were 7 chaperones, including Principal Green and Ms. Branch. According to Ms. Green, Meta Facebook provided the other chaperones.

The chaperones split everyone into groups, and took them for ice cream and to see the breath-taking New York City skyline on the company’s roof. 

“The view was beautiful! “ J. Rivera of section 62 stated. “I would definitely go there again!” 

Everyone who participated got Indianapolis Colts hats, and Shelice’s Angels shirts.  

Posted by CCB staff