CONWELL SPORTS: Student Athletes Take Third at 2023 Penn Relays


By CCB Staff

Video courtesy of Mr. Adams, Conwell Middle Magnet School Track Coach

Conwell Middle Magnet School student athletes triumphantly brought home the bronze cookies at the 2023 Penn Relays on April 27. According to Conwell Track Coach, Mr. Adams, this year marks the sixth time Conwell racers brought home medals and trophies from the 4×100 meter races, as well as the Shuttle Race. Mr. Adams noted in previous years, both the boys and girls relay and shuttle teams won first place, and the coveted gold medals.

This year, racers: L. Waites and D. Hargrove (team anchors), E. Jasper, C. Sudyam, and N. Lewis.brought home the third place medals from among nine other teams from across the School District of Philadelphia. The event was the 4×100 meter Small Girls Race. Watch the video to see the students run on to a winning position.

Posted by CCB Staff

SCHOOL NEWS: Conwell Kids Cards

By D. Alvarado – 62 – CCB Staff with contributions by A. Peralta – 62 – CCB Editor

Currently, Conwell Middle Magnet school is holding an event! Conwell is currently presenting an event called “Conwell Kids.” This occasion has been officially held by staff and other people to talk about students’ recognized talents and interrelation between themselves.

This event takes its information from the teachers and staff in Conwell who associate with the students to create a good atmosphere for the students to connect and belong with other individuals.

This event showcases the students positivity and shows the internal uniqueness of our student body’s handiwork.

Principal Green, who created this event, said that the purpose of the event card is to spread some love and encouragement to students.

She said when she was a teacher she taught middle school. She taught 6th grade and 8th grade of literacy and reading. She also wrote summer letters or particularly a postcard and sent it to her students to let them know she was thinking about them. An extra wording was that a former student from her class who is now a nurse saved the card that Principal Green gave her years ago.

This event popped into Principal Green’s mind and she thought of some postcards and wanted to give it to others.

 These cards were made by a program called “Imagine Math.” These cards were produced by the company for Principal Green.  

The Conwell kids have so much individuality and so much talent,” Principal Green said. “They should be celebrated.

Mr Adams, Conwell’s Physical Education and Health teacher for all grades, greatly believes in this event.

“It’s a card recognizing students about achievements that they have done and building a connection with students,” Mr. Adams said. “The reason that the staff had done this is because students need to know that the staff love and care about them.”

The Conwell Kids event definitely shows its pride and love for the students that belong in Conwell Middle Magnet school.

Posted by D. Alvarado – 62 CCB Editorial